Monday, October 27, 2014

Reclaiming My Independence

Day 6

"Does Paul miss Paul? It must be weird for him to know he's next...", texted my friend Carolyn.  "Lmao, you're hilarious," I responded. "No, the Pauls were," she said, "but you've killed one."
  I'm finally getting good at the showering routine.  My parents' water heater is adjusted to piping hot. Like when you point the shower knob to cold, it's still hot.  My Mom asked my Dad to turn up the water heat a billion degrees.  It took me a couple days of scolding hot water on my skin for me to remember this. I actually enjoyed my shower today despite having a giant bag wrapped around my leg.  I have discovered that the shower chair is not only a terrific tool for someone like me but could become an excellent help in the future for shaving my legs in the shower.  Why have I been standing in the shower all these years?  I highly recommend that you consider this for your own primping as well. 
  I made myself breakfast today although I had to sit while preparing it. I have also acquired a pink back pack to carry my iPad etc. around in.

  And yes, I have been going out in public in my pyjama pants. I am that person, but I have an excuse and I did put mascara on. All my normal pants are tapered and won't fit over my cast.  It's not my fault what's in style.  I went to Service Canada and acquired an accessible parking permit signed off by my surgeon for the next three months.  Perfect for the casino and the upcoming holidays.  So If you want to take me somewhere, I can promise you a good parking spot.

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